Where Should You Invest Your 1031 Dollars?
We Know That One Of The Most Difficult Aspects Of a 1031 Exchange Is Knowing Where To Invest Next, and Then Identifying The Right Properties For Your Portfolio Right Away...
DFY Is Here To Help And Guide You:
Excellent Investing Markets 
For 1031 Exchanges
We currently offer investment properties in the following areas, and are always working on strategically expanding into new markets that are right for your 1031 Exchange. We have properties available today. Click the link below, or give us a call at 801-204-9061 to look at properties.
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DFY identifies Real Estate Investment Locations on behalf of our clients. We find states, cities, and neighborhoods that can maximize cash flow and potential appreciation, while still being safe neighborhoods where people want to live, thus resulting in tenants who should take care of your home, and faithfully pay you rent.

Between our in-office team, and our "boots on the ground" teams in each of these markets, we can help you maximize safety, cash flow, appreciation, and tax benefits, while simultaneously minimizing your risk. Our clients have found that minimizing risk, and increasing safety, has also increased the predictability of their portfolio. Redefining your retirement with real estate investments at the core is more than a investment philosophy DFY believes in, it's an investment system that DFY has proven for our clients for more than a decade.
What's The Story Behind Why DFY Clients Love To Do Their 1031 Exchanges With Us?...
Founded over 10 years ago, DFY has helped thousands of clients, across all 50 states, transact over 400 million dollars and over 3500 homes in multiple markets, with the vast majority of those transactions coming from 7 different markets. 

As a leading assistance provider of individual retirement-focused real estate assets, DFY has seen our clients continue to watch their portfolios grow by millions of dollars of equity each year. Individual DFY clients enjoy thousands of dollars of real, spendable cash flows every month, and have seen financial returns averaging anywhere from 7% to 14% annually over the last decade.

DFY first began helping clients transact real estate in Utah in 2007. Following the crash of 2009, DFY expanded to begin helping clients take advantage of the amazing market opportunities in Phoenix, Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada. After seeing tremendous market recovery in those markets, DFY has transitioned our clients' investment markets once again to take advantage of the current market opportunities that exist in the Eastern half of the United States. DFY clients are now very successfully investing in Indianapolis, Indiana, Memphis, Tennessee, Orlando, Florida, and Charlotte, North Carolina, and continue to profitably sell homes they invested in in Utah, Phoenix, Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada.
What's The Process When You Do Your 1031 Exchange Using The DFY Family Of Service Providers...
Step 1
Getting Ready
  • IRE: You'll first receive a custom Income Replacement Estimate based on your current resources and your long-term goals.
  • Pre-Qual: Once you know how much real estate you can do with your 1031 Exchange, we help you begin the process with First American Exchange.
  • DFY Guide: After you are ready to begin the full 1031 process, you'll be assigned a DFY Guide who will work directly with you.
Step 2
  • Pick Your Market: Your DFY Guide will help you select the best market to begin investing in for you.
  • Review Hand-Picked Deals: While working with a licensed agent, you will begin seeing actual investment homes that you can personally buy.
  • Get A Deal Under Contract: Once you pick the perfect deal for your income replacement plan, you will put the property under contract.
Step 3
Close & Complete
  • Purchase The Home: Working in conjunction with First American Exchange, you will get the property closed.
  • Closing and Renting: The DFY team springs in to action to find and place qualified tenants in your investment home.
  • Cash Flow: This is where the fun begins. Your home can now begin to cash flow and start replacing your income.
Step 4
Rinse & Repeat
  • Dedicated To Your Success: Transacting one investment property with DFY is not the conclusion of your experience with us. The first property is only the beginning. 
  • On-Going Reviews: Every 6 months after closing we will do a review of your properties and your game plan to determine if it's time to sell, time to buy, or time to just keep collecting cash flow.
  • On-Going Support: You will continue to have incredible resources, and personal interaction until your income replacement plan is complete.
What Does The DFY Track Record Look Like?
Our clients continue to watch their portfolios grow by millions of dollars of equity each year. Individual DFY clients enjoy thousands of dollars of real, spendable cash flows every month, and have seen financial returns averaging anywhere from 7% to 14% annually over the last decade. To review our entire clients' transaction portfolios for the last 3 years, click the buttons below:
How Does DFY Assist 1031 Exhchange Investors?...
Here's a few quick videos that should help introduce DFY and how we serve 1031 clients just like you...
Watch This Quick 2-Minute Overview Of DFY
Watch This DFY Client 1031 Exchange Case Study
Watch This Quick Video To Hear From DFY Clients
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518 W 800 N, Ste 204 Building C, Orem, UT 84057 - 801-204-9061
Done For You Real Estate USA - © 2018 Real Estate Investors Club, LLC - All rights reserved
*Any properties that may be found on DFY websites are actual properties DFY Clients have purchased through licensed professionals in the state in which they are found. Properties pictured below are for illustrative purposes only and are not for sale through the website or from DFY.